The body operates a vast network of transportation channel called “srotas”. Srotas (channels) are present throughout the visible body as well as at the invisible level of the cells, molecules, atoms, and subatomic level. Nutrients and other substances are carried in and out of our physiologies (body and its components) through these channels. Information and intelligence as well flow through them spontaneously.

In the state of health the flow of appropriate nutrients and energies through these channels is unhampered; when there is accumulation, deficiency, or blockage in these channels, disease originate. Some srotas have synchronization with western concepts (e.g. both Ayurveda and allopathy recognize the Annavaha srotas, or gastrointestinal tract and the Pranavaha srotas, or respiratory tract). Other srotas have no western correlation Artavavaha srotas or Udakavaha srotas, carrying the monthly menstrual blood and the pure water in the body, respectively.

As in Annavaha srotas or gastrointestinal tract, a healthy digestive system hinges on having clear; smooth running channels that deliver nutrients while collecting and eliminating waste products. Any blockage in the srotas will inhibit these functions and render the body vulnerable to illness.

The srotas are the chief target areas for ama accumulation. And the ama builds in these channels; the body transportation system is greatly compromised. Knowledge pertaining to Srotas besides the status of Doshas imbalance, tissues or Dhatus involved together with the state of the digestive fire or Agni helps a great deal in reaching the diagnosis.

By | 2017-07-04T13:44:00+00:00 July 4th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments

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